Ladders: Ascending in Faith

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In life, we often find ourselves on different rungs of a metaphorical ladder. Each step represents a challenge, a lesson, or a blessing that God uses to elevate us closer to Him. When I think of ladders, my mind immediately goes to the story of Jacob’s ladder in Genesis 28:12. Here, Jacob dreams of a ladder stretching from earth to heaven, with angels ascending and descending. This powerful vision was a reminder that God is not distant or unreachable, but rather, He has provided a way for us to connect with Him.

I’ve often felt that my walk with God is like climbing a ladder. There are times when the steps feel easy, like I’m moving upward smoothly without resistance. Then there are moments when it feels as if I’m stuck, clutching tightly to a rung, afraid to take the next step in faith. It’s during these moments of hesitation that I remember Jacob's ladder and the reminder that God is always at the top, calling me upward.

Step by Step: Trusting the Process

Climbing a ladder requires trust. We can’t see what lies above or below, and each step feels like a leap of faith. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding. Much like a ladder, our journey with God is vertical. Our steps of faith take us closer to Him, but only if we are willing to let go of our need for control and trust in His direction.

Sometimes, though, the ladders we climb in life aren’t smooth or straight. We face obstacles—health struggles, financial issues, broken relationships—that seem to shake the ladder beneath us. Yet God promises that He will never let us fall. Psalm 121:3 says, “He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber.” What comfort it is to know that as we climb, God’s hands are steadying us.

Climbing Out of the Pit

Ladders are not just tools of ascent; they are also symbols of rescue. In Psalm 40:2, David writes, “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” Many times, we find ourselves stuck in pits of despair, feeling as though we are too far down for God to reach us. But God is faithful, and He sends His ladder of grace to pull us out of the darkest places.

I have experienced times in my own life when I’ve been in deep emotional and spiritual pits, feeling isolated and far from God. But as I prayed, sought His Word, and surrounded myself with fellow believers, I began to see that ladder of hope extending down to me. With each step I took—whether it was reading Scripture, attending church, or simply praying—I could feel myself being lifted out of the darkness and into His light.

Jesus: The Ultimate Ladder

In John 1:51, Jesus refers to Himself as the ladder between heaven and earth. He says to Nathanael, “Very truly I tell you, you will see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” Jesus is the bridge, the connection between us and the Father. Through His sacrifice, He became the ultimate ladder, providing us direct access to God’s throne of grace.

It’s a humbling thought that through Jesus, we have already been given a ladder to eternal life. All we have to do is take the steps of faith. Romans 10:9 tells us, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Climbing this ladder begins with a simple step of belief, but it requires continuous action—daily trusting, praying, and walking with Jesus.

Helping Others Climb

One of the most beautiful aspects of ladders is that they are often used to help others. As followers of Christ, we are called to be ladders for those around us, helping them in their own spiritual journeys. Galatians 6:2 encourages us to “carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

In my own life, I’ve been blessed by others who have extended their ladders to me—mentors, friends, and family who have helped guide me upward when I felt like I couldn’t take another step. Now, I strive to do the same for others. Whether it’s through prayer, sharing a word of encouragement, or simply being there for someone, I want to be a ladder that others can hold onto as they ascend closer to God.

Recommended Books to Further Study the Subject

Climbing the ladder of faith is not easy, and there will be moments when the climb seems steep, or the rungs seem out of reach. But with God as our foundation, we are never climbing alone. Philippians 3:14 encourages us to press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus. No matter where we are on the ladder—whether just beginning, halfway up, or nearing the top—we can trust that God is with us, encouraging us to climb higher, step by step.

So, climb on. Keep reaching upward, knowing that each rung brings you closer to the God who loves you and has prepared a place for you at the top.

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