90-Day Bible Reading Plan
To break down the first two weeks of the plan focusing on "Creation, Fall, and Promise," covering Genesis, Job, John 1, and Hebrews 1 into a 14-day reading schedule, we'll aim for an equal distribution of text, keeping in mind the thematic coherence each day. Given the approximate goal of 8,750 words per day for the overall plan, the daily goal might adjust slightly based on the length of the specific books and chapters chosen for each day.
Day 1-14: Creation, Fall, and Promise
o Day 1: Genesis 1-2-Focus: Creation of the world and humanity.
o Day 2: Genesis 3-5-Focus: The fall of man, consequences of sin.
o Day 3: Genesis 6-9-Focus: The story of Noah and the Flood.
o Day 4: Genesis 10-12-Focus: The Tower of Babel and the beginning of the Abrahamic covenant.
o Day 5: Genesis 13-15-Focus: Abraham's journey, further establishment of the covenant.
o Day 6: Genesis 16-18-Focus: The continuation of Abraham's story, including the promise of Isaac.
o Day 7: Genesis 19-21-Focus: The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the birth of Isaac.
o Day 8: Genesis 22-24-Focus: The binding of Isaac, beginnings of the Israelite nation.
o Day 9: Genesis 25-27-Focus: Jacob and Esau's story, continuation of the covenant.
o Day 10: Genesis 28-30-Focus: Jacob's journey, his marriage, and children.
o Day 11: Genesis 31-33-Focus: Jacob's return to Canaan, reconciliation with Esau.
o Day 12: Job 1-20-Focus: The testing of Job, dialogue between Job and his friends.
o Day 13: Job 21-42-Focus: Continuation of Job's dialogues, God's response to Job, restoration.
o Day 14: John 1, Hebrews 1-Focus: The Word became flesh, Jesus as the fulfillment of God's promises, superior to angels.
Reading Tips:
1. Reflect on the themes of creation, fall, and promise as you read through these passages, noting how they connect across the Old and New Testaments.
2. Journal your thoughts or questions each day to deepen your understanding and retention.
3. Pray before and after your reading, asking for insight into God's word and how it applies to your life today.
This breakdown provides a focused approach to understanding the foundational themes of the Bible, connecting the story of creation and fall in Genesis with the theological implications found in Job, John, and Hebrews.
To break down the reading of "Patriarchs, Exodus, and Law," covering Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Romans 4, and Galatians 3 into a 14-day plan, we'll continue with the thematic journey. This section dives into the covenant with Israel, the laws given to the Israelite people, and the New Testament reflections on those laws and the faith of Abraham.
Day 15-28: Patriarchs, Exodus, and Law
o Day 15: Exodus 1-6-Focus: Israelites in Egypt, the call of Moses.
o Day 16: Exodus 7-12-Focus: The ten plagues, Passover instructions.
o Day 17: Exodus 13-18-Focus: The Exodus, parting of the Red Sea, journey to Sinai.
o Day 18: Exodus 19-24-Focus: The Covenant at Sinai, the Ten Commandments.
o Day 19: Exodus 25-31-Focus: Instructions for the Tabernacle and priesthood.
o Day 20: Exodus 32-40-Focus: The Golden Calf, completion of the Tabernacle.
o Day 21: Leviticus 1-10-Focus: Laws of sacrifices, priesthood.
o Day 22: Leviticus 11-20-Focus: Dietary laws, moral and ceremonial laws.
o Day 23: Leviticus 21-27-Focus: Holiness codes, the Day of Atonement, blessings and curses.
o Day 24: Numbers 1-10-Focus: Census, preparation to depart Sinai.
o Day 25: Numbers 11-20-Focus: Rebellion, the spies' report, wandering in the desert.
o Day 26: Numbers 21-30-Focus: Journey to the Promised Land, Balaam's prophecies.
o Day 27: Numbers 31-36; Deuteronomy 1-4-Focus: Wars, preparation to enter Canaan, Moses' final speeches.
o Day 28: Deuteronomy 5-34; Romans 4; Galatians 3-Focus: Reiteration of the Law, Moses' farewell, the faith of Abraham, the Law and the promise in Christ.
Reading Tips:
1. Engage with the text by considering the significance of the law and covenant for the Israelites and how this reflects in the Christian faith through Romans and Galatians.
2. Note the shifts from narrative to law and how these laws were meant to set Israel apart as God's people.
3. Reflect on the New Testament interpretation of the Law and its fulfillment in Christ, especially through faith as exemplified by Abraham.
This segment of the reading plan delves into the heart of the Old Testament covenant and law, alongside New Testament reflections on the same themes, providing a comprehensive understanding of God's intentions and the fulfillment of His promises.
For the "Conquest, Kingdom, and Prophets" segment, covering Joshua, Judges, 1&2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings, selected chapters from Isaiah and Jeremiah, and integrating New Testament readings from Matthew 1-2 and Hebrews 11 over 14 days, we'll maintain a focus on the historical narrative of Israel's establishment in Canaan, the rise and fall of its monarchy, and prophetic insights that link to New Testament fulfillments and faith.
Day 29-42: Conquest, Kingdom, and Prophets
o Day 29: Joshua 1-6-Focus: Entry into Canaan, fall of Jericho.
o Day 30: Joshua 7-12-Focus: Conquest of the land continues.
o Day 31: Joshua 13-24-Focus: Division of the land, Joshua's farewell.
o Day 32: Judges 1-7-Focus: Early judges, cycle of sin and deliverance.
o Day 33: Judges 8-16-Focus: Gideon, Abimelech, Jephthah, Samson.
o Day 34: Judges 17-21-Focus: Israel's moral decline, need for a king.
o Day 35: 1 Samuel 1-8-Focus: Samuel's ministry, demand for a king.
o Day 36: 1 Samuel 9-15-Focus: Saul's reign as king.
o Day 37: 1 Samuel 16-31-Focus: David's anointing, Saul's decline.
o Day 38: 2 Samuel 1-12-Focus: David's reign, triumphs, and challenges.
o Day 39: 2 Samuel 13-24-Focus: David's troubles, repentance, and legacy.
o Day 40: 1 Kings 1-11-Focus: Solomon's reign, wisdom, and temple building.
o Day 41: 1 Kings 12-22-Focus: Division of the kingdom, Elijah's ministry.
o Day 42: Selected Prophets & NT Integration-Isaiah 6, 53: Calling of Isaiah, the Suffering Servant prophecy, Jeremiah 31: New covenant prophecy, Matthew 1-2: Prophecies fulfilled in Jesus' birth., Hebrews 11: Faith of the patriarchs and prophets.
Reading Tips:
1. Observe the transition from tribal confederation to monarchy and how it affects Israel's spiritual and political state.
2. Reflect on the role of the prophets in calling Israel back to God and foretelling the coming Messiah.
3. Connect Old Testament prophecies and narratives with their fulfillment in the New Testament, noting the continuity of God's plan for redemption.
This part of the plan emphasizes the historical and spiritual journey of Israel from conquest to monarchy, alongside the prophetic voices that not only critiqued their present but also pointed towards a future hope, culminating in the coming of Christ as seen in the New Testament readings.
For the "Exile and Return" segment, focusing on the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Ezekiel, Daniel from the Old Testament and incorporating 1 Peter and James from the New Testament over 14 days, we'll explore the themes of exile, judgment, hope, restoration, and living faithfully in challenging times. This period reflects on Israel's experience in exile and the subsequent return and rebuilding, alongside New Testament writings that encourage perseverance and faithfulness.
Day 43-56: Exile and Return
o Day 43: Ezra 1-3-Focus: Decree of Cyrus, return to Jerusalem, altar rebuilt.
o Day 44: Ezra 4-6-Focus: Opposition to rebuilding, completion of the temple.
o Day 45: Ezra 7-10-Focus: Ezra's journey, renewal of the covenant.
o Day 46: Nehemiah 1-3-Focus: Nehemiah's prayer, return to Jerusalem, wall rebuilding begins.
o Day 47: Nehemiah 4-6-Focus: Opposition to wall rebuilding, completion of the wall.
o Day 48: Nehemiah 7-9-Focus: Census, reading of the Law, covenant renewal.
o Day 49: Nehemiah 10-13-Focus: Reforms of Nehemiah, dedication of the wall.
o Day 50: Ezekiel 1-12-Focus: Ezekiel's call, visions of God, judgment on Jerusalem.
o Day 51: Ezekiel 13-24-Focus: Further prophecies against Israel and Jerusalem.
o Day 52: Ezekiel 25-36-Focus: Judgments on the nations, promise of restoration.
o Day 53: Ezekiel 37-48-Focus: Vision of dry bones, restoration of Israel, the new temple.
o Day 54: Daniel 1-6-Focus: Daniel's faithfulness, interpretations of dreams, lions' den.
o Day 55: Daniel 7-12-Focus: Visions of future kingdoms, prophecy of the seventy weeks.
o Day 56: 1 Peter, James-Focus: Living faithfully in trials, wisdom in suffering, call to holiness.
Reading Tips:
1. Contemplate the significance of exile as a period of reflection and spiritual renewal for Israel.
2. Analyze the leadership and faith of figures like Ezra, Nehemiah, and Daniel during times of adversity.
3. Apply lessons from 1 Peter and James on enduring trials, living out one's faith, and the importance of wisdom and humility.
This part of the plan highlights God's faithfulness in restoring His people despite their failures, the importance of community and leadership in rebuilding, and the enduring hope in God's promises, paralleled with New Testament teachings on perseverance and living faithfully.
For the "Wisdom Literature and Psalms" segment, focusing on Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon from the Old Testament, and incorporating James, 1 Peter, and 2 Peter from the New Testament over 14 days, we'll dive into the depth of biblical wisdom, poetry, and reflection on the human condition, suffering, faith, and divine providence. This phase of the reading plan will offer insights into living wisely and righteously.
Day 57-70: Wisdom Literature and Psalms
o Day 57: Job 1-7-Focus: The trials of Job, beginning of dialogues on suffering.
o Day 58: Job 8-14-Focus: Dialogues between Job and his friends continue.
o Day 59: Job 15-21-Focus: Further discussions on the reasons for suffering.
o Day 60: Job 22-28-Focus: The debate intensifies, Job's longing for wisdom.
o Day 61: Job 29-35-Focus: Job's final plea, Elihu's response.
o Day 62: Job 36-42-Focus: Elihu's speech ends, God's response, Job's restoration.
o Day 63: Psalms 1-30-Focus: Introduction to the Psalms, prayers of lament and trust.
o Day 64: Psalms 31-60-Focus: Psalms of lament, thanksgiving, and praise.
o Day 65: Psalms 61-90-Focus: God's kingship, human frailty, and divine protection.
o Day 66: Psalms 91-120-Focus: Assurance of God’s protection, songs of ascent.
o Day 67: Psalms 121-150-Focus: Songs of ascent continue, praise and worship.
o Day 68: Proverbs 1-10-Focus: Beginning of wisdom, the fear of the Lord.
o Day 69: Ecclesiastes; Song of Solomon-Focus: Reflections on life's meaning, love poetry.
o Day 70: James; 1 Peter; 2 Peter-Focus: Living out wisdom, facing trials, growing in faith.
Reading Tips:
1. Reflect on the personal relevance of the wisdom literature, considering its advice and insights into daily living and spiritual understanding.
2. Meditate on the Psalms as expressions of the human relationship with God, encompassing a range of emotions from despair to exuberant joy.
3. Connect the teachings in James, 1 Peter, and 2 Peter with the wisdom literature's themes, especially regarding trials, perseverance, wisdom, and faith.
This portion of the reading plan enriches understanding of God’s character, human nature, and the pursuit of a godly life through wisdom, poetry, and practical guidance, bridging the ancient wisdom with New Testament teachings on living faithfully.
For the "The Gospels and Acts" segment, focusing on Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts over 14 days, we'll immerse in the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, followed by the early church's establishment and spread of the gospel. This period is central to Christian faith, offering a detailed account of Jesus' ministry and the church's beginnings.
Day 71-84: The Gospels and Acts
o Day 71: Matthew 1-7-Focus: Birth of Jesus, Sermon on the Mount.
o Day 72: Matthew 8-14-Focus: Jesus' miracles and parables.
o Day 73: Matthew 15-21-Focus: Teaching and miracles, journey towards Jerusalem.
o Day 74: Matthew 22-28-Focus: Final teachings, Passion, Resurrection.
o Day 75: Mark 1-8-Focus: John the Baptist, Jesus' early ministry and miracles.
o Day 76: Mark 9-16-Focus: Journey to Jerusalem, Passion, Resurrection.
o Day 77: Luke 1-6-Focus: Birth narratives, early ministry of Jesus.
o Day 78: Luke 7-12-Focus: Miracles, teachings, parables.
o Day 79: Luke 13-18-Focus: Parables, teachings on the kingdom of God.
o Day 80: Luke 19-24-Focus: Final week in Jerusalem, Passion, Resurrection.
o Day 81: John 1-7-Focus: The Word became flesh, early signs and discourses.
o Day 82: John 8-14-Focus: Teachings, "I am" statements, Farewell Discourse begins.
o Day 83: John 15-21-Focus: Farewell Discourse, Passion, Resurrection.
o Day 84: Acts 1-28-Focus: Ascension, Pentecost, spread of the Gospel, Paul's journeys.
Reading Tips:
1. Engage deeply with the teachings of Jesus across the Gospels, noting similarities and unique perspectives each Gospel offers.
2. Reflect on the significance of the resurrection narratives and their foundational role in Christian faith.
3. Observe the early church's formation in Acts, including key events like Pentecost and the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding and empowering believers.
This segment of the reading plan brings to life the cornerstone events of Christianity, providing a comprehensive view of Jesus' mission and the early church's expansion, setting the stage for the spread of Christian teachings throughout the world.
For the final segment, "Letters and Revelation," covering Romans through Jude and the book of Revelation over the last 7 days (Days 85-91) of the 90-day plan, we will delve into the theological foundations, ethical instructions, and eschatological visions that shaped early Christian belief and practice. This closing phase underscores the New Testament letters' teachings on faith, conduct, and hope in the coming kingdom, culminating in the apocalyptic imagery and promises of Revelation.
Day 85-91: Letters and Revelation
o Day 85: Romans 1-8-Focus: The gospel's power, justification by faith, life in the Spirit.
o Day 86: Romans 9-16-Focus: God's sovereignty, Israel's future, practical Christian living.
o Day 87: 1 Corinthians 1-8-Focus: Unity, wisdom, morality, and issues in the Corinthian church.
o Day 88: 1 Corinthians 9-16-Focus: Spiritual gifts, resurrection, the collection for Jerusalem.
o Day 89: 2 Corinthians; Galatians-Focus: Paul's defense of his ministry, justification by faith, Christian freedom.
o Day 90: Ephesians; Philippians; Colossians; Philemon-Focus: Unity in Christ, joy in suffering, supremacy of Christ, forgiveness.
o Day 91: 1&2 Thessalonians; 1&2 Timothy; Titus; Hebrews; James; 1&2 Peter; 1,2,3 John; Jude; Revelation-Focus: Eschatology, church leadership, perseverance in faith, living out faith, final victory of God.
Reading Tips:
1. Consider the historical and cultural contexts of the letters to better understand their messages and applications.
2. Reflect on the theological themes, especially the centrality of Christ, justification by faith, and the ethical implications for Christian communities.
3. Engage with the book of Revelation not just as prophecy but as encouragement for faithfulness amidst persecution, with its rich symbolism pointing to Christ's ultimate victory.
This ambitious final stretch requires a brisk pace, given the volume and depth of content. It encapsulates the heart of New Testament theology and ethics, encouraging readers to contemplate the profound teachings central to Christian identity and hope. The culmination in Revelation offers a fitting close to the biblical narrative, promising God's justice, restoration, and eternal reign.